POR FESR 2014-2020 ‘Export promotion projects for enterprises and their aggregated forms identified on a territorial or sectoral basis’ – DGR N. 1104/2017
ACTION: 3.4.1
Project: ‘Veneto agri-food industry across borders, development of internationalisation’.
The project originates from the meeting of realities of the agri-food sector, present in the Veneto regional area, operating in the wine and oil sector, capable of developing an internationalisation project with economic benefits on a regional scale. The objective is the consolidation of three non-European outlet markets, since the national and European markets, in which they already operate, are showing the first signs of saturation.
Value of the project: € 300,000
Received fund: € 150,000
List of companies participating in the project:
- Consorzio di Tutela della Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco
- Garda D.O.P. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Protection Consortium
- Consortium for the Protection of Valpolicella Wines
- Consorzio VIR – Veneto In Rete